Thursday, 28 March 2013

AS Media Evaluation - Question 1 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms of conventions of real media products?

1.     In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms of conventions of real media products?

Our media product uses conventions of real media products in numerous ways, for example

As you can see in this classic zombie television show the font titles they use in this opening sequence are Impact and this convention can be seen reflected in our media film.

 Also title reveals use the same generic effects in their titles.

The setting and location of this media product also develops conventions of real life media product. We shot the entirety of the film in a woodland background; the woodland background is constantly used in real media products such as The Walking Dead

And Dead Snow

Also we played on genre conventions, for example the way to kill a zombie is through an attack to the head, so for our movie the protagonist dispatched of the zombies within this way, also the idea that in a zombie apocalypse food is scarce we played upon. It can seen that the protagonist is now having to hunt for his food and scavenge what few resources he can find, the facet he also uses a bow and arrow and knife for the most part of the film also shows the conventions of noise attracting zombies attentions which is to be avoided at all costs. The shot types we used in this also play with continuity and conventions of zombie genres, for example the ‘he’s behind you’ shot was used where the monster his approaching the protagonist from behind and also shots in which the monsters point of views are shown. We used these variety of shots to follow the genre codes and conventions which will show that we use and challenge real media products.

Our media product also challenges media products as it is adapting to the new market of post apocalyptic dramas, by making our story purely character driven the audiences become more engrossed in the film.

Also our product develops the real media through its special effects. The effects allow us to add the realism to the film and make it compete with films of the zombie genre.

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